Snow Day!

I'm finally feeling settled down again since the Doc increased my doesage.  No more chest pains.  Generally good.  I'm trying to focus on what I can do instead of what I cant. Instead of getting frustrated at myself for losing focus, I am embracing where my attention span wanders.  By not being impulsive at all, I feel like i'm trying to suppress who I am.  I was  missing my boyfriend, who was away on business, and made some impulsive purchases.  I went to Staples, which is kind of like my Naughty Place.  I love office products, and I'm well aware that there is a twelve step  program for my quasi-obsession.  So anyways, I  went in to "look around" and walked out  $112.36 poorer.  Did I need anything?  Nopers.  But I had a few things- like new speakers, memory cards, tech toys, that I had been actively trying to not but for a few months.  Well, my boyfriend acts as my " No" person, so I took this opportunity to say YES to the things that I wanted.  It felt good, and I didn't beat myself up over it.


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