Making Peace

After getting quite upset at one of my professors this semester over accommodations, I might have learned my lesson. In my philosophy class, I had no problem with class participation.  I was an engaged learner, for 8am. I was keeping up with the assignments.  But then, the assignments, none of which were listed in the syllabus, started to overlap.  :::Begin the sinking scene now::  I didn't have the work done so saw no value in going to class.  I knew I had work to do, but was practicing active avoidance because homework was the last thing I wanted to do.  Well, I eventually caught back up, and handed in everything.

Things came to a head in particular with this professor when I incorrectly cited a list of Germanic Deities.  Instead of putting the usual " Cite?" comment, he decided to be a smartass.  He instead wrote the comment "  Were you channeling  Thor?" .  He pulled me after class last week and wanted to discuss, in depth, how disappointed he was in my writing abilities.  I felt like I was being talked down to, and I just nodded yes to everything he was saying.

Well, today after our last class he pulled me aside again.  He asked if I had any problems going on at home.  Apparently he felt as though I had "disappeared " during the course of the semester.  All of a sudden,  a light bulb went off.  I explained to him that I was receiving services from the college for my learning disability.  I also explained that I started having trouble, and was ashamed to have to ask for help.

Things all made sense.  Teachers cannot read minds.  I need to explain to these teachers right from the get-go that I am in need of accomendations.  This way, I'm not waiting until I already am sinking.

At least it only took my one semester to learn this lesson =)


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