And in the beginning...

So, here I am.  The self proclaimed "ADHD Diva".  Why write this blog you may ask?  The simple explanation is that I got tired of my ADHD stuff overpowering my personal blog.  I come across alot of great resources, and I hope that this will be a great way to share with others out there searching for more information.

I was diagnosed this year, and the ripe old age of 24.  The hardest part of getting diagnosed was actually getting myself in the door to my psychiatrist.  I work in Mental Health, so I went in as a smart-ass know it all.  My psychiatrist and I had many disagreements , and I think at this point it's amazing he still puts up with my garbage.  I knew for many years that I had been underperforming a home, school, and at work.  I was first diagnosed with Depression.  I insisted that I just got down on myself because I felt like I could never finish anything I started.  What's the point of getting up and doing anything if you're not going to finish it?  I had also been getting anxiety attacks.  My whirlwind of clutter and chaos had made things feel unbearable.  This manifested itself that I would get panic attacks in the car while driving.  I was so worried that another driver would pull out and hit me, or a car would stop short- I was on edge the whole ride.  I get getting distracted on the road by not being able to focus in on what I was doing.  I was too busy watching all the other idiots on the road! So, in the timespan of a month, I  now was officially diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder, Depression, and ADHD.

So, where did I go from here?  I started on a cocktail of meds.  For about three months I played around with different meds and dosages.  I felt like a lab rat, but was determined to give it a shot.  Finally, I settled on my current cocktail of:  Concerta 36mg and Prozac 20mg in the morning.  I read books now, I can keep things semi-clean.  I'm a work in progress.  Now that the skeletons are out of the my closet, I hope that I can provide some things that make living with ADHD as a adult just a little easier.

I'm not an expert, and definitely not a specialist.  I'm just trying to make sense of the world through ADHD colored glasses =)


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